Provides Jewish youth-serving organizations with the education and practical tools they need to prevent child maltreatment and take responsible action should instances or suspicions of maltreatment emerge.
Best-selling trauma research author of The Body Keeps the Score
PACEs Connection (formerly ACEs Connection)
The largest social network on trauma-informed care and recovery, providing information and resources as well as support for hundreds of local, state and national ACEs initiatives.
The ACE Study
The Largest Investigational Study
on Childhood Trauma
"When people are behaving in apparently self-destructive ways, it’s time to stop asking what’s wrong with them, and time to start asking what happened to them.”
- Dr. Robert Anda and Dr. Vincent Felitti, Founders of the Adverse Childhood Experience Study
The CDC-Kaiser Permanente’s Adverse Childhood Experiences Study (ACE Study) links 10 types of childhood trauma with the adult onset of chronic disease, mental illness, and violence.
The 10 ACEs are: physical, sexual, emotional abuse; physical, emotional neglect; living with a family member who’s addicted to alcohol or other drugs, is depressed, has other mental illness or who’s imprisoned; witnessing a mother's abuse; divorce or separation.
For people who have four types of childhood adversity — an ACE score of 4 — alcoholism risk increases 700 percent; attempted suicide increases 1200 percent. Heart disease and cancer nearly double. People with high ACE scores have more marriages, more broken bones, more depression, more prescription drug use, more obesity.
We acknowledge the need to create equal access to mental health and substance use resources that are culturally-competent and specific to Black, Indigenous, and People of Color communities.
Black Therapists Rock - Reversing racial trauma through collective healing. Join the movement to foster self compassion, confidence, and inner peace for 100,000 black healers.
Live Another Day - Provides non-biased lists of highly rated treatment providers and trusted resources for mental health and substance use. Includes culturally competent resources that address specific needs and support to help ensure no one is left out.
Detox Local - A nationwide directory of medical detox providers, including mental health and substance use resources specifically for the AAPI (American Asian and Pacific Islander) community.
"Understanding many of the fundamental processes that underlie traumatic stress opens the door to an array of interventions that can bring the brain areas related to self-regulation, self perception, and attention back online. We know not only how to treat trauma but also, increasingly, how to prevent it.”
- Bessel van der Kolk, MD
Excerpt from The Body Keeps The Score

Learn about Adverse Childhood Experiences
Nadine Burke Harris TED Talk - 4,135,148 views - How childhood trauma effects health across a lifetime.
Adverse Childhood Experience short video explaining toxic stress. Credit: KPJR Films
Oprah reports on Childhood Trauma’s long term effects: "This story has had more impact on me than practically anything I've ever done."
Talks at Google
More Exceptional Resources About Trauma-Informed Care
Healing Childhood Trauma
If you think you have suffered from toxic stress as a child, it is important to seek out qualified trauma-informed-care professionals. Here is an initial list of treatments among other modalities that we have researched to be extremely healing for trauma.
Psychology Today - 8 Ways People Recover from Post Childhood Adversity Syndrome
More Resources
Gabor Maté: When The Body Says No: The Cost of Hidden Stress (U.S. subtitle: Exploring the Stress/Disease Connection)
Gabor Maté: In The Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters With Addiction
Gabor Maté: Scattered Minds: The Origins and Healing of Attention Deficit Disorder (U.S. title: Scattered: How ADD Originates and What You Can Do About It)
Bessel van der Kolk: The Body Keeps the Score
Stephen Porges: The Polyvagal Theory (for professionals)
Peter Levine: In an Unspoken Voice: How the Body Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness
Peter Levine: Healing Trauma: A Pioneering Program for Restoring the Wisdom of the Body
Peter Levine: Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma
Mark Wolynn: It Didn’t Start With You
Thomas Hübl: Healing Collective Trauma
Julie Brown Yau: The Body Awareness Workbook for Trauma
John Sarno: The Mindbody Prescription: Healing The Body, Healing the Pain
Jeffrey Rediger: Cured: Strengthen Your Immune System and Heal Your Life
Anita Morjani: Dying to Be Me
Mark Epstein: The Trauma of Everyday Life
Daniel Siegel: The Developing Mind
Bruce D. Perry and Oprah Winfrey: What Happened to You?
Bruce D. Perry: Brief: Reflections on Childhood, Trauma and Society
Bruce D. Perry: Born for Love: Why Empathy Is Essential—and Endangered
Diane Poole Heller: The Power of Attachment
Laurence Heller and Aline Lapierre: Healing Developmental Trauma
Nadine Burke Harris: The Deepest Well: Healing the Long-Term Effects of Childhood Adversity
Resmaa Menakem: My Grandmother’s Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies
Gabor Mate & Adyashanti: Emotional and Spiritual Maturity
Step Inside the Circle
PBS Newshour: Childhood Trauma
Breakthrough: The Trauma Chaser
Is Your Story Making You Sick?
Paper Tigers: One High School’s Unlikely Success Story
Resilience: The Biology of Stress and the Science of Hope
How childhood trauma effects health across a lifetime (TED talk with Nadine Burke Harris)
Oprah reports on Childhood Trauma’s long term effects
Adverse Childhood Experience short video explaining toxic stress (by KPJR Films)
ACE Study (by Academy on Violence and Abuse)
Trauma and The Nervous System: A Polyvagal Perspective
Former Jail Warden Dr. Nneka Jones Tapia | We Are Witnesses
Gabor Maté Talks and Interviews
Tim Ferris interview
Russell Brand Interview
On mind/body unity in health/illness
On addiction
Interview with Joe Polish
When The Body Says No: Mind/Body Unity and the Stress- Disease Connection
Gently Dusting Off The Mind
Emotional and Spiritual Maturity: Gabor Mate and Adyashanti
The Psychology of Spiritual Seeking
Spiritual seeking, Addiction and the Search for Truth
A Neurosurgeon Talks of Vulnerability: Gabor Maté and James Doty
Working with Collective Trauma: Gabor Maté & Thomas Hübl
Conversation About Addiction with Gabor Maté and Arold Langeveld
The Causal pain at the Root of Addiction
Understanding Trauma: A Conversation with Dr. Gabor Maté
Somatic Experiencing Practitioners
Compassionate Inquiry Practitioners
Trauma Healing Modalities:
Somatic Experiencing
Compassionate Inquiry
Bessel van der Kolk
Family Constellation Work
NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM)
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
EMDR International Association
Internal Family Systems Therapy
Rewind Technique for PTSD and Phobias (HGI)
The International Focusing Institute
Trauma Summits/Online Classes:
Dying & Living
Wisdom in Times of Crisis
Collective Trauma Summit 2020
Shock Trauma Healing with Peter Levine
Dr. Gabor Maté
Compassionate Prison Project
Downtown Streets Team
Chrysalis Society
ACEs Connection
National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine
Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS)
The International Center for Ethnobotanical Education, Research, and Service (ICEERS)
The Temple of the Way of Light
Take the ACE (Adverse Childhood Experience) Quiz
What’s Your Resilience Score?
What ACEs/PCEs do you have?
Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC’s) Preventing ACEs Handbook